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The Righteous Gemstones Cast Answer The 50 Most Googled Questions About The Show

Stars of "The Righteous Gemstones" Danny McBride (Jesse Gemstone) Adam Devine (Kelvin Gemstone), and Edi Patterson (Judy Gemstone) visit WIRED to answer the 50 most googled questions about the show as it enters its final season. The Righteous Gemstones 4th and final season premieres March 9 Director: Jackie Phillips Director of Photography: AJ Young Editor: Alex Mechanik Talent: Adam Devine; Danny McBride; Edi Patterson Line Producer: Joseph Buscemi Associate Producer: Paul Gulyas Production Manager: Peter Brunette Production Coordinator: Rhyan Lark Talent Booker: Lauren Mendoza Camera Operator: Shay Eberle-Gunst Sound Mixer: Paul Cornett Production Assistant: Doug Archibald; Abigayle Devine Post Production Supervisor: Christian Olguin Post Production Coordinator: Rachel Kim Supervising Editor: Christina Mankellow Additional Editor: Jason Malizia Assistant Editor: Fynn Lithgow

Released on 03/27/2025


Hey, I'm Adam DeVine.

Hi, I am Edi Patterson.

And I am Danny McBride

and we are here to answer the most Googled questions

about The Righteous Gemstones.

Oh, ho, ho! Let's dig in! You ready?

[upbeat music]

What state is The Righteous Gemstones set in?

It's pretty simple.

It set in Rogers, South Carolina,

fictional South Carolina town.


Yeah, I saw Rogers on the police car

and I didn't know that until like the last season.

I was like, Rogers?


[Adam] Yeah, that's what I don't notice.

It's out. Get that outta here.

What year is The Righteous Gemstones set in?

I think it's now.

Yes, it's now. Yeah, it's current days.

Whatever now equals.

Some people think 1862.

A lot of people think that. A lot of people think that.

Surprisingly it's right now.

Yep, it's our world. Yep.

Get that out of here! Get that out of here.

Where's The Righteous Gemstones filmed?

I know this one.

Charleston, South Carolina.

One of my favorite cities.

I love it there. Oh, fantastic.

Almost moved there, should've.

[Danny laughing] Get it outta here!

Guess what?

I did get a place there.

Yeah, she did.

All the smart ones got a place.

Who is the oldest Gemstone son?

Because it's Google

I don't think that they're asking about me,

I think they're asking about Skyler.

Yeah. Yes.

They're talking with the son.

Oh, yeah. Yep.

Skyler the son. Skyler's.

Yeah. Yeah.

That good looking young fellow.

He's such a honk, dude.

Everyone thinks he's so honky and I would have to agree.

Everyone's all like, Oh, he's sweet, but he's also cute.

Yeah, like, get over yourself how sweet and cute

and also nice he is. Oh!

So nice. What a prick.

How much are the Gemstones worth?

Ooo, dollar, dollar bills, y'all. Net worth.


I don't know if we've ever fully discussed this.

They're not billionaires.

I don't think they're in the B Club.

Yeah, I don't think it's in the B Club,

but I think it's hundreds of millions of dollars.

Yeah, it's H. I would agree.

It's hundreds of millions, yes.


Get out of here!

Who sings for Judy Gemstone?

How dare they? Okay, what the fuck?

How fucking dare they?

Kiss my ass.

Edi sings for Judy Gemstone, of course.

Give 'em some.

Hit 'em with it. Hit 'em with it.

I sing for Judy Gemstone.

I go into a studio in Charleston, I record the song

and then I sing it on set.

Hit 'em with it.

Table flip! Acapella, hit 'em with it.

Oh, hit 'em with it? [Danny laughing]

Hit 'em with it. Acapella.

Hit 'em with it.

♪ Butterflies. ♪


That's all they get!

That's all you get. How dare you ask that!

That's all you get.

Which Culkin is in The Righteous Gemstone?

That would be McCauley.

McCauley. McCauley.

Does McCauley have an Academy Award?


♪ Ah ♪

No, he doesn't.

That goes to the other one, Kieran, Kieran.

McCaulay Culkin plays Baby Billy's estranged son.

Harmon. Harmon.

Yep, that's right.

Yeah, our cousin.

Cousin Harmon. Yeah.

Harmon Freeman. Little H.

I guess we don't know if his mom

gave him his father's last name,

but I think it's Harmon Freeman.

Yeah. Yep. Okay.

How did Keith and Kelvin meet?

Hmm. Hmm.

Do you have something cooked up in your nog?

In my head I had a loose idea.

I thought maybe you, you know, you saved him.

Yeah, I'm always cruising satanic cults, going undercover.

I feel like Kelvin goes a little undercover,

goes in all black with like the tears,

the black streaks coming down and he's just like,

So, what's up?

Do you want Christ in your life?

Do you want Jesus to fill your soul?

Got so smirky when he does it.

I was like, Do you want that?

It worked. It worked on him.

And it worked on Keith. It's fantastic.

Yeah, it was cool.

Who is The Righteous Gemstones based on?

It's not one family in particular.

I think it's just they're their own creation.

You know? Yeah, their own thing.

Part gangster, part minister,

you know, no one in particular.

I have someone very-

You base you on somebody.

Yeah, but I won't tell. [Adam and Edi laughing]

Google that.

Yeah, try to Google that.

Get that card outta here!

Who wrote The Righteous Gemstones?

Right here. Two of 'em right here.

Here we go. That's right.

We did it.

And then there was also a writing staff.

There's John Carcieri and Jeff Fradley

and Kevin Barnett and Chris Pappas.

Yep. Yep.

Nice little crew.

Get that card outta my face!

Wow, I keep getting very salacious Kelvin questions.

Why does Eli break Kelvin's thumbs?

My take on that would be because Kelvin's was being a dick.

Yeah, he was being a salty little bitch.

Yeah, you tried to fight your dad.

You pushed him down. Yeah, I did.

Oh my God.

I feel like my actual father would also break my thumbs

if I did what I did to Eli.

Why does Judy Gemstone always wear blue?

When we shot the pilot,

my note to the costume designer, Sarah Trost,

was that each gemstone would be like a Power Ranger.

That everyone would have their own gemstone color

that their costume would always be connected to.

Green. So you were green?

Yeah, it was green.

Judy was blue. Blue.

Jesse was, like, ruby, you know?

So that's it.

'Cause they are each a gemstone.

That's what it is.


Wow. Boom. Boom.

Boom, boomyah! Boomyah!

[all laughing]

I've never heard boomyah before.

It's new.

This is why he's the creator, dude.

He creates these fun words, these worlds to live in.


How many kids does Jesse Gemstone have?

Boop, boop, boop. That we know of.

Three. Three.

That we know of.

Yep, that's it.

I think three. Me too.

There could be a hidden one, right?

But there's probably three.

There could be with him.

Three established.

Okay, get this car outta my face!

Another Kelvin question.

Does Kelvin Gemstone come out?

Yes, he does.

Oh, yeah. He does.

Oh, this is a good one.

Who killed Scotty in The Righteous Gemstones?

It was Aunt Tiffany, blew his head off by accident.

Oh, that's right. Oh my God.

Yep. Mm-hmm.

Oof. Classic Aunt Tiff.

Aunt Tiff, that dog.

Get that card outta my face.

Why did baby Billy leave his son?

Okay, I mean, this is layered.

All right, deep, wow.

But we could boil this down to, like,

this is just kind of what that dude's gonna do.

[Danny laughing] Yeah, for sure.

I don't know if there was a particular reason.

I guess you could, in that episode,

trace it back to, like, I don't know,

he was not wanting to be with the son's mom anymore.

Yeah, I think that he was disappointed in who he is

and I don't think he thought he had what it took

to be a good dad so he got outta there, focus on himself.

I think he was right. Yeah.

Yeah, he was right in doing that.

Who shot Eli? Ooo!

It's interesting that people google this stuff.

You can watch the show.

The answers are all in there.

You don't have to just Google.

That would be the Cycle Ninjas shot Eli.

They sure did. That is right.

Yeah, hired though by somebody else.

Spoiler alert.


Spoiler alert, the show's been out, you can watch it.

Yeah, that's true. Boomyah.


Who's your favorite Righteous Gemstone character?

The hard hitting Qs.

They're asking Google that, huh?

They're going through Google,

they're asking who's your favorite

and Google has the answer. Yeah.

You know, Keith, I get a kick outta him.

Judy, I think you really make me laugh in your character.

Thanks, Adam. So sick.

That's sick.

But, Harmon. Oh! Oh!

I think it's Harmon. Yeah.

Are Kelvin and Keefe a couple?

I'd say hard yes.

Yeah, dude.

We're in it to win it now.

Why is BJ always drinking milk?

[Adam laughing] Ah!

You know, that was something that was established

in the first season and we just never went away from it.

We just always had a, a goblet of milk for BJ.

I'm glad someone noticed that, it's the details.

It's a nice little touch. It is.

Eli, he needs that calcium, I think, you know?

Yeah, he's a brittle man.

He's very brittle.

He's a wisp. A little wisp of a man.

If you like finding stuff too,

there's times when BJ will sniff that milk like it's wine.

[Danny laughing]

What is the meaning of the season two finale?

The meaning.

The meaning. The meaning.

They smoke the competition.

They kill people in the end and their love will never die.

You know? That's the meaning.

Love will never die.

That's what it should've been called.

What is the meaning of the season two finale?

Yeah, I don't know.

It's kind of in there.

Yeah. Just watch it.

Yeah, just watch it. Oh, what are you doing?

Just get that card out of our face.

[Danny laughing]

What are your favorite jokes or lines

from The Righteous Gemstones?

Your monologue, what was that, season one or two?

Mm-hmm. Season one.

Season one when you're in that diner.

In the Outback Steakhouse.

Yeah, that was a banger of a monologue.

So watch the show.

Do you remember that entire monologue?

You know, chunks. You can do it now.

♪ Butterflies ♪

[all laughing]

The monologue is just you singing.

Ah, get this car outta my face.

Oh, you know what?

I met this dude the other day.

He was like, Oh my God, my friend and I,

when we see each other,

he lived in New York and he was like,

We don't say, 'Hi,' we go,

'Thank you for meeting me at this neutral location.'

[all laughing]

They refuse, like, hug.

They just, like, stand there trying to say that

as seriously as possible.

That's funny.

What year was Judy Gemstone born?

I feel like it's '80. Is that right?

Yeah. I'm trying to think of our

flashback episodes.

Maybe '79, '80. Yeah.

Yeah, that seems like that's in the zone.

[buzzer buzzing] Yeah.

♪ Butterflies ♪

♪ Butterflies ♪

How much of The Righteous Gemstones is improv?

I would say 12 to 32%.

Somewhere in there. [Danny laughing]

I'm a math guy, so that's how my brain works.

Doesn't the whole world know that about Adam?

Yeah. Yeah, he's a brain guy.

Math guy. I'm a math guy.

Oh, he is a math guy. Oh, yeah.

And a brain guy.

Yeah, well, if you're a math guy, you're also a brain guy.

Yeah, of course.

And what was the word you made up earlier?

Boomyah. Boomyah.

Boomyah. Boomyah.

You're brain guy. Boomyah.

Why did Baby Billy leave Tiffany?

You're getting the hard hitting questions, dude.

I mean, I think it's important that we remember

that ultimately he didn't leave Tiffany

and I think, again, this is like Baby Billy's

a damaged dude and I think he starts to, like, doubt

that he could have any effect on the world

and any added value or worth to anything

and sometimes he's just gotta get the fuck out.

He's a runner.

They're together now and I think they're together forever.

They learned.

What happened to Baby Billy's son?

He grew up to be well adjusted.

He has a couch with cup holders in it, you know,

so he's obviously well adjusted fella.

Yeah. That's a nice life.

He worked. That's a nice life.

What are the bugs in The Righteous Gemstones?

Oh, they're talking about the locusts.

The locusts. The locusts.

Yes. [bell dinging]

At first I thought it meant, like,

what are the glitches you guys encounter during production?

Any camera mishaps?

What did Eli do to Baby Billy?

In Baby Billy's eyes I think he thinks that he stole

his, like, stage partner, he stole his act, you know,

and then he aligned himself with her,

but really he just married Baby Billy's sister

and Baby Billy's a little bitch about that.

Yeah, don't be a bitch, Baby Billy.

Why did Gideon leave the family?

I think he was probably the only sane one

and saw his insane family.

He's like, I gotta get the fuck outta here.

And he was right in doing so and then he came back

and God, I'm happy to have him.


I mean, we're talking really cute, really sweet.

God, he's so sweet, so cute.

Skyler, we love him.

Get this card outta my face.

I feel like we had runs in the show

where Judy was really going off about how hot Gideon was.

Yeah. Yeah. Right?

Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah, watching him from across the room

talking about how fit he was.

And also just at the craft service table,

Edi would say stuff like that.


Yeah, was always mentioning it.

I mean, the thing is, if we're at lunch,

you know, or we're at craft services

or I see Skyler walking in the bathroom,

it's not gonna be that hard for him

to take his shirt off from me.

It wouldn't be. It shouldn't be.

Yeah, it shouldn't be.

Who's the bad guy in The Righteous Gemstones?

Ooo, the bad guy.

Great question. We've had a few.

Mm-hmm, we got a handful of bad guys.

You know, every season, there is like an adversary or foe

that is unique to that season,

but, you know, a lot of times I think

who gets in The Righteous Gemstones'

way the most are themselves.

Wow. Yeah.

Boomyah. Poignant.

Boomyah. Boomyah.

Does Walton Goggins actually sing

in Righteous Gemstones?

The answer is yes, of course he does.

We all do! [Danny laughing]

Edi, Edi, chill.

Jesus, you threw that one hard, dude.

I felt Edi's rage.


Why did Kelvin kiss Keefe? Oh!

Mmm, 'cause them soft lips.

[Edi laughing]

In the season three, towards the end, that was, what?

The second to last episode,

that wasn't scripted and then-

Well, it was scripted, but it was an alt script.

We weren't sure if we were gonna bridge that

in the fourth season or if it was gonna be

the end of the third.

And that was like my second,

I think first or second day shooting that season

and I'm like, We're in it.

I'm already kissing my buddy at work.

This is gonna be a hell of a season.

Who blackmailed Jesse Gemstone?

Who didn't? His own child.

It's disgusting. It's disgusting.

Why is Gideon helping Scotty?

I think Gideon is disappointed in his family

and I think he feels a little bit betrayed

by the fact that they don't practice what they preach.

So I think he sees Scotty as a way to maybe

kind of get some revenge on his family

and is led down a bad path, unfortunately,

and then Aunt Tiffany blows Scotty's brains out.

Do Judy and BJ stay together?

Oh, yeah.

I think she would kill him

before she allowed him to leave,

so absolutely they're together.


Who is the mother of Judy Gemstone?

Amy Lee Gemstone,

who's also the mother of Jesse Gemstone and Kelvin Gemstone.

What's up? What's up? What's up? What's up?

Amy Lee. Boomyah. Boomyah.

Who plays young Jesse Gemstone?

We have some incredible actors

that play the young versions of us.

Gavin plays young Jesse Gemstone. Who plays young Judy?

Emma Shannon and she is awesome.

Those kids were so good though that we didn't

even initially plan on coming back to them every season

and once we saw how well they were able

to channel those characters,

we had to just keep bringing them back

and writing more for them.

Yeah, they're incredible.

Sometimes watching Emma, like,

maybe this is gonna get too real,

sometimes she's so good and so funny,

like, it brings tears to my eyes.

I'm like,

Fuck me, she's, like, really channeling some shit.

Yeah, they're the real deal.

How did Judy and BJ meet?

This was a thing we talked about as being a possibility

and the few times we even wrote it

and then it just wasn't ever needed to do it.

But remember we talked about that thing

of I was shoplifting from- Yes, from the grocery store.

Yeah. Yep. Yep.

I was shoplifting from the Piggly Wiggly

where he worked in the optometry department.

Yeah, he's who caught me in love ensued.

We thought about showing that

and we never did because the first time you meet BJ,

he has just undergone a plastic surgery.

It was the beginning of him trying to fit into the family

and he had changed his nose.

So we always imagined that maybe there'd be a scene

with you two guys meeting and BJ

having a drastically different looking face.

[Adam and Eli laughing]

But we never got around to it.

How did Jesse and Amber get back together?

Well, Amber shot Jesse in his asshole

and that kind of basically killed all the bad feelings

between each other and then they got back together.

So, it was in the asshole?

Yeah, yeah, it was in the hole.

It was definitely in the hole.

I thought it might've been in the meat,

but in it was in the hole.

Did it come out ever? Nope, still there.

Wow. Yep, still there.

He's a big man. Lodged in the hole.

Lodged in the hole.

Does Gideon come back?

You don't even watch the show.

Sometimes it's easier just to Google it, you know?

Yeah, I mean, just watch the show.

Yeah, he does, he does. He's on the show.

Very talented. Skyler, hot too.

That's right. Very hot.

Who's the youngest Gemstone?

Well, of the siblings, that's Kelvin Gemstone.

What's up? What's up?

If you're talking the kids of Jesse,

we're talking, like, third generation,

that would be young Abraham.

That's correct.

How dare they with this next question.

How dare?

Is BJ Judy's cousin?



Oh, someone dug deep.

Yeah. Dang!

Yeah, they know the true tea.

You know what?

That would've actually been pretty good.

That could've been what it is.

Uh-huh. Kissing cousins. Yep.

But the answer is no, of course not.

BJ is not Judy's cousin.

No. No.

Judy would never hook up with cousins.

Yeah. No.

She knows a ton of people who would like to

hook up with their siblings.

Yeah. But-

Yeah, exactly.

She knows a ton of people that would?

Wow. Yeah, she does.

Judy runs in some good circles.

Run with a cool crew, yeah, yep, yep.

We did it. We answered all the Googles.

Oh, every Google question possible, we answered them.

Yep. So thank you Wired.

Thank you Wired.

Shout out to Skyler. Chill.

Take your shirt off Holmes. Boomyah.

[all laughing] [upbeat music]