1 season, 12 episodesLeading experts help debunk (and confirm!) common and well-known myths
Season 1
Retired astronaut Chris Hadfield helps debunk (and confirm!) some common myths about space. ONE STRANGE ROCK airs Mondays at 10/9c on National Geographic.Science
Medical doctor Seema Yasmin helps debunk (and confirm!) some common myths about medicine and health. Does your heart really skip a beat when you sneeze? Is it safe to eat genetically modified foods? Is hand sanitizer the best way to clean your hands? Dr. Seema Yasmin is the Director at the Stanford Center for Health Communication and a clinical assistant professor at Stanford Medical School. Her forthcoming books include Debunked! and Muslim Women Are Everything, out April 2020.Science
Epidemic expert Dr. Seema Yasmin helps debunk some common medical myths surrounding Covid-19. Will drinking water flush the virus out? Can you take ibuprofen? Will garlic prevent infection? Can you hold your breath to test if you have coronavirus?Culture
Dr. Ravi Aysola helps debunk (and confirm!) some common myths about how we sleep. Do we only ever sleep with our eyes closed? Does everyone need to sleep 7 hours a night? Can you catch up on lost sleep? Is insomnia all in your head? Dr. Ravi Aysola is a Professor of Clinical Sleep Medicine at UCLA.Science
Emergency medicine physician Dr. Italo Brown covers some common myths about our health and explains how true they actually are. Can you die from a broken heart? Is a migraine just a bad headache? Is vaping safe?Security
Cybersecurity expert Eva Galperin helps debunk (and confirm!) some common myths about cybersecurity. Is the government watching you through your computer camera? Does Google read all your Gmail? Does a strong password protect you from hackers? Will encryption keep my data safe? Eva answers all these questions and much more. Eva Galperin is the Director of Cybersecurity at the Electronic Frontier Foundation. Updated 8/20/2020: A previous version of this video incorrectly stated that Google scans Gmail data to target ads. Google stopped this practice in 2017.Science
Scientist Dr. Carl Hart, author of the forthcoming book "Drug Use for Grown-ups," helps debunk (and confirm!) some common myths about drugs.. Dr. Hart has spent his career researching the effects of drugs on the body and is here to help us understand some common misunderstandings. Is marijuana really a gateway drug? Is the opioid crisis getting worse? Are drugs more addictive than alcohol?Culture
With the upcoming presidential election there's been plenty of talk about social media's potential impact. MIT professor Sinan Aral takes a look at some common myths swirling around social media and the upcoming election, and examines their validity. Can social media actually sway elections? Does fake news spread faster than real news? Are voting booths hack-proof? Sinan Aral is the David Austin professor of management at MIT, Director of MIT's initiative on the digital economy and the author of the book "The Hype Machine."Culture
Amy Blankson, the founder and CEO of Fearless Positivity, debunks some myths we've all heard about "happiness." Is it true that you either "have" happiness or you don't? Is social media making us less happy? Does success lead to happiness?Science
Chief Meteorologist for WNBC Janice Huff takes a look at some common myths we've all heard about the weather and meteorology, and parses out which are fact, and which are pure fiction. Can tornadoes cross water? Can lightning strike the same place twice? Are rainbows only seven colors?Science
Dr. Lori Glaze takes a look at some common myths we've all heard about the weather and meteorology, and parses out which are fact, and which are pure fiction.Culture
Michael Beckley, an associate professor of political science at Tufts University, goes over some common myths and facts about US and China relations. Are The United States and China destined for war? Is China surveilling U.S. data? Is the Chinese government about to collapse?