renewable energyEnvironmentTrump’s Day One Executive Orders Will Worsen Climate CrisisBy Matt ReynoldsScienceNo, You Can’t Have a Solar-Powered Passenger PlaneBy Rhett AllainScienceThe Feds Are Trying to Get Plants to Mine Metal Through Their RootsBy Matt SimonScienceThe US Has Big Plans for Wind Energy—but an Obscure 1920s Law Is Getting in the WayBy David JenIdeasGlobal Emissions Could Peak Sooner Than You ThinkBy Hannah RitchieScienceThis Bold Plan to Kick the World’s Coal Habit Might Actually WorkBy Bianca NogradyBusinessThe Dream of Geothermal Energy Is Alive in UtahBy Will KnightScienceTo Save the Planet, Start DiggingBy Gideon Lichfield and Lauren GoodeThe Big StoryWhere to Find the Energy to Save the WorldBy Maria StreshinskyScienceForget Cars, Green Hydrogen Will Supercharge CropsBy Bianca NogradyScienceSolar Panels Floating in Reservoirs? We’ll Drink to ThatBy Matt SimonThe Big StoryThe Mining Industry's Next Frontier Is Deep, Deep Under the SeaBy Vince BeiserScienceWanted: Dead Birds and Bats, Felled by RenewablesBy Emma Foehringer MerchantScienceThe Wild Plan to Export Sun From the Sahara to the UKBy Charlie MetcalfeGearOctopus Energy Is the Answer to a Broken, Inefficient MarketBy Simon HillScienceStriking Graphs That Show Humanity’s Domination of the EarthBy Matt SimonIdeasAfter Going Solar, I Felt the Bliss of Sudden AbundanceBy Clive ThompsonScienceCan Reengineered Aluminum Help Fill the Demand for Copper?By Gregory BarberScienceThe US Can Halve Its Emissions by 2030—if It Wants ToBy Matt SimonScienceEveryone Wants to Build Green Energy Projects. What's the Holdup?By Eric NiilerScienceWant a Battery That Lasts? Play Hot and ColdBy Gregory BarberScienceBiden Plays a National Security Card to Fix the Lithium ShortageBy Gregory BarberScienceOffshore Wind Turbines Could Mess With Ships’ Radar SignalsBy Eric NiilerEnvironmentWhat It’ll Take to Get Electric Planes off the GroundBy Gregory BarberMore Stories