Curiosity Rover Takes Best Self-Portrait Ever

NASA's Curiosity rover has been sitting tight on the Martian sand doing a few sciences for nearly a month now. But it recently took some time out for a vanity shot, producing this adorable self-portrait (click for a larger version).

NASA's Curiosity rover has been sitting tight on the Martian sand doing a few sciences for nearly a month now. But it recently took some time out for a vanity shot, producing this adorable self-portrait (click for a larger version).

More Curiosity SelfiesCuriosity Close-Ups: The Rover's Detailed Photoshoot of ItselfCuriosity Rover’s Self-Portraits Transport You to MarsThe image combines 55 photos taken with the rover's MAHLI camera, which sits outstretched on the end of Curiosity's arm. The probe moved the camera to different positions in each image so the arm isn't visible.

Amateur astronomer and science writer Stuart Atkinson stitched together the raw images that Curiosity beamed back to Earth on Oct 31. So far, the rover has only sent back the smaller, thumbnail versions of these images, with the full-sized ones arriving in the coming days. NASA will likely produce its own version with the full resolution pics so stay tuned for an even more amazing Curiosity selfie.

Image: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Malin Space Science Systems/Stuart Atkinson